Friday – August 28, 2020
David Gray joins Doug today.
David’s golf game
The Great Banquet
Recent shootings
Knowing the facts before rendering judgement
Mob mentality
The Bible Studies start back up September 9th. Contact Doug for Zoom information
Mobs confronting home owners and restaurant patrons
Caller Ken about respect for authority
Thursday – August 27, 2020
Doug’s guest is Steve Biondo from President of the Tim Tebow Foundation
Wednesday – August 26, 2020
Un-survivable storm surge
Forecasting the hurricane’s damage
Dangerous situations
When sports teams are no longer about sports
Rioters get shot
Tuesday – August 25, 2020
Hurricane and Storm warnings
Helping those that don’t want help.
The Gang
Caller Carena from JAX
Monday – August 24, 2020
Time flies when you’re having fun 2020 style
2 hurricanes
Another police shooting
Allowing crime to happen
Monday Morning Quarterbacking
5 Core Values of SWAT
1. God’s Word
2. Prayer
3. Evangelism
4. Discipleship
5. Community
SWAT – Spiritual Warriors Advancing Truth
Call us Toll-Free at: +1-844-777-7928
Email Us a Question:
Woody’s Bar-B-Que
226 Solano Rd
Ponte Vedra, FL 10611
Wed. 6:30-7:30 am
3250 Hodges Blvd
Jacksonville, FL 32224
Wed. Night 7-8 pm
Salem Centre
7235 Bonneval Rd
Jacksonville, FL
Wed. 12:00-1:00 pm
Jumping Jax House of Food
10131 San Jose Blvd #12
Jacksonville, FL
Thursday 6:30-7:30 am
The Village Inn
900 Ponce De Leon Blvd
St. Augustine, FL
Friday 9:00-10:30 am
Woodmen Valley Chapel – Woodmen Heights Campus
8292 Woodman Valley View
Colorado Springs CO 80908
Thursdays 8-9:15 pm